Monday, June 29, 2009

oh the end is near...

Our time in spain is ending in only 2 days!! Where did the time go? Dont worry though we have certainly made the most of this past week by cutting out the random boring things we were gonna do (science museum? yea right we dont have time for lame things like that!) and replacing them with crazy adventurous things (mountain biking in the sierra nevadas? done it!). anyways, here is a brief synopsis of the highlights of each day this last week...

Wednesday-Watched the US dominate España in futbol.. in a bar surrounded by spaniards. (plus the last night at our favorite discoteca... sad )

Thursday- Mountain Biking in the Sierra Nevadas... best time we have ever had! Straight uphill biking for 5 miles and then straight downhill falling/ biking/ walking for 4 miles. muy intensivo. Liz, somehow was the only person in our whole group who didnt fall at all so she has nothing cool to share here... i however, had a great wipeout into a prickly bush in which i received a clementine sized bruise on my hip to show of the next day at the beach. We both however received the most intense bruising on our "sits" bones that are still hurting us now.
at night, we went to a new discoteca in the "caves" up by the albaicin. Incredibly fun time minus the fact that we had to walk 5 miles in our brand new awesomely european heels and then dance 4 hours. the swelling caused by our heels after we took them off that night gave us strap marks for the next day, bruises and several blisters. oh the cost of beauty!

Friday-Saturday- class then "the Clemson Girls"- as we are called by the rest of the group -took off for the sandy beaches of Cadíz... There were no hostels to be found (even though we searched on the internet that day and after we arrived) So, we decided to make the most of our time by passing a few hours at a local tapas bar and then dancing the night away at the discoteca... when they closed at 6:30 am we took to the beach where we planned to sleep the rest of the night. To our surprise, it was amazingly cold that night and we were forced to rely on eachothers body heat for warmth! Lets just say wearing every piece of clothing we had brought and spooning hardcore makes for some great memories (all parents reading this- dont even worry we slept with our mace!). We made up for our lack of sleep the entire next day as we soaked up the rays! What a great trip!!
(sidenote- at one point we considered if we could get in trouble for sleeping on the beach... without even thinking alyssa responded by saying, "im sure we're fine, there are other homeless people on the beach too." )

Sunday- a very needed relaxed day catching up on sleep and showers (since we hadnt showered since thursday... dont judge, we were homeless) then last night had an amazing time with our AIFS group at a goodbye party drinking some great wine, eating some great dinner and watching a very cool Flamenco show.

Monday- skipping class to "study" and blog... we WILL ace our exams tomorrow!
We plan on seeing a spanish movie tonight since we didnt get to see one last week...

Tomorrow- We plan to take our exams, pack up, hit up a bar one last time and maybe sleep or maybe not before we fly out wednesday morning! Elizabeth, Kimberly and Alyssa head to Barcelona for three days while i head home. (be sure to ask Elizabeth about her adventures in Barcelona, im sure she will have many more cool stories!)

As we leave, we reminisce about things we miss from the states and things we will miss from España:

Things we miss from the states:
-Free refills
-Whole wheat bread
- Being able to pay separately at a restaurant
-Polite men who dont yell "guapa" at you everywhere you go
-working out
- Dryers
- Shower heads that aren't detachable
-CVS (medicine is impossible to get here... oh my lengua barrier)
- "No smoking" signs

Things we will miss from España:
-Siestas cada dia
- Legally enjoying a drink or two
- Discotecas
-Free tapas with a drink
- Cheap and easy transportation between cities
- Getting 6 credits for the easiest classes of our lives
-All our friends we have made here- particularly Lola, our favorite teacher ever
- 40- 50 Cerezas (cherries) a day
- donuts at dunkin coffee (because we know we have to start eating healthy again when we return home)
- and although we hate to admit it... pan (bread), we will miss you!

We Love you all! thanks for sharing in our adventures during our time in Spain!! See you soon!

-Janelle and Elizabeth

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